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FreshmanGeography of Ethiopia and the Horn (I Year I Semester)
Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn Module
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Wollo Univeristy Opencourse ware provide courses From freshman to graduating class
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Wollo Univeristy Opencourse ware provide courses From freshman to graduating class
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Wollo University's Ethio-OpenCourseware (EOPCW) is a web-based publication of all educational materials virtually . we provide lectures, forums and materials for free.
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This page lists OCW courses and supplemental resources that contain video and/or audio lectures
E-Book, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images.
Related courses which held in Wollo University like foreign language classes and workshops.
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OCW makes the materials used in the teaching of subjects available on the Web.The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone.
With over 80 + Departments and other resources, you're guaranteed to find what you need to study Departments With No Course
Welcome To Ethio-OpenCourseware
As much as possible, good online classes provide the opportunity for students to make up their own minds and take responsibility for their own learning. Some of the best courses allow students to create their own projects or focus on an element of the topic that they particularly enjoy.
Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn Module
Communicative English Language Skills I for freshman students
Mathematics for Natural Science Module
General Physics Module
Koorsiin Ogwalaloo Afaan Oromoo jedhu kun koorsiiwwan ogbarruu keessaa isa tokkodha. Koorsiin kun yaadrimee ogwalaloo ilaalchisee barattootaaf hubannoo kennuu qofa otoo hinta’iin dandeettii afaaniil...
In this Unit, you will read a passage on ‘Life Skills’. You will discuss what life skills incorporate and the importance of learning them with your partners. Understanding the concept, you will engage...
The course builds on the knowledge gained in Auditing I. It covers an in depth practical aspects of topics introduced in Auditing I and brings in new concepts as well. The course introduces audit samp...
The course will help the students to be acquainted with the FGE Accounting concepts and practices, in doing so they will differentiate with the expanded (improved) FGE accounting system and the previo...
For All First Year Students
This course is the continuation of Financial Accounting – II. It is one of the core accounting courses offered by the department. Like the first part, it is basically deals with theory of financial ac...
General Psychology Module
For all first year engineering and technology students
Modern businesses needs frequent information about business activities to plan accurately for the future, control business results, and make a proper appraisal of the performance of persons working in...
This course focuses on: the nature of Geez, sound system, word formation, inflection, and morphology and sentence stru
Advanced Accounting gives due attention to the modern advanced financial accounting issues such as accounting methods and principles for joint venture businesses, accounting principles and methods f...
This module is basically designed for the course, Global Affairs. The course is designed to equip students with the basics of international relations so that they will be exposed to global challenges...
This course provides an overview of the field of investment .it explains basic concepts and methods useful in investment. The course also tries to imitate the valuation of bond and stocks. It also cov...
Mathematics for Social Science
Since the beginning of time, survival has been a daily struggle. Simply staying alive was physically demanding. Yet, humans in industrialized societies over the last 150 years have come spoiled. We li...
This course includes the following major topics; The Amharic Short Course Description Stories, history, types, techniques and characteristics, the emergence of modern Amharic Short Stories and its...
The course is to provide a brief overview of the development and underdevelopment of nations and outstanding development theories. It explores the principles, concepts and theories of that have been...
The course presupposes a basic knowledge of conceptual modelling for data base systems and implementation using relational DBMS and SQL. The course aims to a more profound understanding of database th...
The course deals with the different stages of project management. Topics covered include: national plans and programs, the project cycle, market and demand analysis, raw materials and supplies study,...
This course presupposes the students’ equipped with knowledge for basic level of Accounting principles. In this course, emphasis is made on accounting theory of financial statements, recognition crite...
This course is a continuation of Financial Management I. It emphasizes on building and applying financial models, following the principle of financial management, for planning and decision making purp...
The design of the course is based on the integration of the study of physico-chemical principles of pharmacy with the formulation, preparation and stabilization of semisolid and solid pharmaceutical...
This course focuses on project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The subject matter of project analysis is outreaching beyond the Cost-Benefit analysis. This time government and non- governme...
The course builds on the knowledge acquired from the course entitled cost and Management Accounting and introduces some new concepts and uses of accounting tools and techniques in the analysis, planni...
Basic understanding of English language systems and language skills is imperative to work in the EFL/ESL classroom with confidence. As a continuation of the course “Subject Area Teaching I” this cours...
This course introduces students to basic computer organization and architecture concepts. It covers: number systems, Boolean algebra, digital logic circuits and their design, simple machine architectu...
This course provides an introduction to the analysis of indeterminate structural systems common in Civil Engineering.
This course is designed to quaint students with the basic principle procedure and practice of banks. Throughout this course emphasis will be given to r elation ship between Banker and customer negotia...
To introduce students to the fundamental aspects of IT in business, including hardware, software, data storage technologies and the theoretical basis for understanding how systems work and interact.
The primary focus of this course is to introduce students with the concept, principles, and legal framework governing business transactions, negotiations, undertakings, and contracts. The course will...
This course is a continuation of Principles of Accounting I. The course is designed to introduce students to the application of accounting principles and concepts to major balance sheet items. The spe...
This is not a beginners course, and you should have a solid grasp of both the Dart language and a beginners understanding of Flutter. This course picks up where my Flutter for beginners course left of...
Koorsiin seensa aad-heddeefi af-heddee jedhu kun koorsiiwwan ogummaa (proffesinal course) keessaa isa tokkodha. Kan qophaahes barattoota Afaan Oromoofi ogbarruu sagantaa idileetin brataniifi. Koo...
“Appropriate Building Technology” refers to building processes and tools that are appropriate to the climate, socio-economic conditions and natural resources of an area, and which contribute to sustai...
Database Fundamentals introduces database concepts, including relational databases, tables and data types, data selection and manipulation, views, stored procedures, functions, normalization, constrai...
The objective of the course is to equip students with effective report writing skills and research methodologies. Students shall develop solid technical report and paper/thesis writing skills, analy...
I. Module Description This module incorporates two courses: Sociology of Deviance and Criminology and Correctional Administration. The module introduces students with broad variety of critical thinki...
The drug supply management course introduces students with the concept of essential drugs, drug policy, and rational drug use and tools to investigate use of medicines. It also gives an insight on fun...
Financial markets and institutions channel trillions of dollars through the economy, affecting business and consumer decisions and the economic well being of foreign countries. The purpose of this cou...
The course deals with international trade theories and policy issues and how international trade is financed. The module aims to provide a highly focused discussion of topics in international economic...
This course is a step by step description of the software metrics. It includes introduction to foundations of measurement theory, models of software engineering measurement, software products metric...
This course deals with fundamental financial concepts and principles. Emphasis is placed on practical problem solving skills based on these concepts and principles. Topics include the role of the fina...
It is the course which focuses on multidisciplinary issues.
The course mainly deals with the following major themes: Origin and Course Description development of Ge’ez and Amharic alphabet, the origin and development of Amharic Literature, the panegyric poem...
This course will cover traditional material as well as recent advances in information retrieval (IR), the study of the processing, indexing, querying, organization, and classification of textual docum...
Program execution is not adequately reflected in usual syntactic programming language definition by formal grammar, although either actual or mental execution is referred to during reading (tracing) a...
• This introductory course is designed to prepare graduate pharmacists who can competently involve in managing the supply of medical supplies, equipment and reagents. Students will be able to differen...
Development efforts of any organization need to include and benefit people with various types of disabilities, people at risks of exclusion/discrimination and marginalization, through providing qualit...
Basic management concepts and industrial organization; Work environment; Plant design; Materials management;Forecasting techniques; Basics of accounting principles; Project management; Financial evalu...
The course, Entrepreneurship, has been offered to Ethiopian students of higher education in limited departments, such as management, Accounting, Agriculture and Engineering. However, as part of high e...
This course introduces computerized accounting system using Peachtree accounting. In this course, students will learn how to install the software, setting up company, journalizing transactions, produc...
This chapter deals with plant nutrients, their uptake mechanisms, their roles, and deficiency symptoms. it also Identifies various factors affecting plant growth and development. it covers the plant...
Education Different philosophers and educationists have defined education differently. Froebel defined education as ‘the unfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. It is the process by which...
This course will explore the various types of the data communication systems, networks and their applications. Concept & terminologies like computer networks, layer architecture (OSI & TCP/IP), networ...
The course is intended to introduce the accounting and reporting concepts, standards and procedures applied to governmental units and not –for –profit (NFP) organizations. The course reflects the dist...
What is an Operating System, history of operating system, operating system zoo; process concept, process scheduling, inter-process communication; threads; CPU scheduling, basic concepts, scheduling c...
Applied mathematics is the application of mathematical methods by different fields such as physics, engineering, medicine, biology, business, computer science, and industry. Thus, applied mathematics...
The course is designed to introduce problem solving techniques by dividing large programs in to sub modules through the concept of function in C++. Such programming technique simplifies programmin...
As the Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30) stated that, since one of the challenges for quality education is missing the proper moral and civic education, the education policy objectives...
Repair of electrical apparatus coil; Design and winding of small power transformers; Induction motor winding(squirrel cage type); Wiring of relay circuits; Computer maintenance
The course deals with aquatic ecosystems of the world. Marine and inland water ecosystems; the definition of marine water, freshwater, lives in marine and freshwater, phytoplankton, zooplankton, dif...
Data communications refers to the transmission of this digital data between two or more computers and a computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchan...
the course enables students to have an understanding on: Understand and recognize the relationship between information and decision making, Know significance of information and information systems...
n the era of globalization, international marketing is given much emphasis and plays crucial role in the development of a nation. It includes basic concepts of international marketing and its environm...
This course explores the underlying theories, procedures and practices surrounding the auditor's responsibilities in undertaking an audit of financial statements of reporting entities. It deals with t...
This course is intended to equip learners with competencies required to teach in settings characterized by ethnic, linguistic, social class, religious, gender and many other markers of diversity. Taki...
A comprehensive introduction to the server-side programming techniques used to develop interactive web sites. Using technologies such as PHP and MySQL, students learn to create web sites that intera...
The course is designed to acquaint students of Civic and Ethical Studies with fundamental civics and Ethical issues in general global issues in general. It also deals with the historical development o...
The course mainly deals with different types of waveguides, mostly passive and partly active microwave devices & systems and their application in communication systems. The course focuses on concepts,...
The course addresses current systems and network administration issues in organizations. Content includes: Overview on IS management: Organizational context of information systems, management of infor...
This course is a continuation of Econometrics I. It aims at introducing the theory (and practice) of regression on qualitative information, time series and panel data econometrics as well as simultan...
Importance of Higher level planning
This course outline contains five chapters the main objective of the course are • Explain electrochemistry • apply the concept of conductance for analysis • indicate the principle of electrolytic c...
The CASE functions include analysis, design, and programming. ... CASE software supports the software process activities such as requirement engineering, design, program development and testing. There...
Data Structure is a way of collecting and organising data in such a way that we can perform operations on these data in an effective way. Data Structures is about rendering data elements in terms of s...
Koorsiin ‘Diraamaa’ jedhu kun koorsiiwwan ogbarruu keessaa isa tokkodha. Koorsiin kun yaadrimee diraamaafi qabxiilee isaan walqabatan ilaalchisee barattootaaf hubannoo bal’aa kennuu bira darbee, dan...
The course is expected to acquaint you with essential concept of anthropology covering a wide array of questions revolving around our very existence. It cover issues such as what makes human bei...
Basic organic industrial processes (coal petroleum, main petrochemicals, basic organic products, plastics, rubber and fibers; sugar; oils and fats, detergents, paper; foodstuff, pharmaceuticals, agroc...
Introduction to statistical thermodynamics, Terminology and basic concepts, Distribution function, Surface chemistry: Interfacial structure, Surface tension and surface free energy, Methods of surface...
To understand basic concepts of Advanced Internet programming.
The course provides students a conceptual framework for understanding health informatics and information technology as applied in the healthcare environment. The course will include in depth discuss...
This course provides advanced concepts to the problems of software development and maintenance. Software Testing and Maintenance phases of the software development life cycle will be introduced in add...
This course is devoted to identifying and describing the various strategies a company can pursue to achieve superior performance. Many of these strategies are generic – that is, they apply to all orga...
The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of internal and external management issues and practices relating to Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) in organi...
The course is designed to give Introduction to Visual Basic to develop Windows Application Programs on the bases of VB or java Controls Variables, Constants, and Calculations Decision & Conditions, M...
Dam outlets: factors to be considered in outlet works; bottom outlets; spillways: types; hydraulic design; constructions and operations features of each type; aeration and cavitations on spillways; e...
The course deals with the definition of ecological terms, description, and discussion of ecological parameters at the level of population, community, and ecosystems. It also covers topics on the effec...
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which can contain data, in the form of fields, and code, in the form of procedures. A feature of objects is an...
Capable of collecting, analyzing and interpreting statistical data using various statistical tools for managerial decisions.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
The course aims at exploring the various types of data communication systems, networks and their applications. The content includes: computer networks, seven-layer architecture, OSI & TCP/IP suite of...
The course deals with the evolutionary development and sequential phylogenetic link that exists between the various groups of vertebrates. Morphological and physiological characteristics and adaptatio...
Welcome To Ethio-OpenCourseware
With over 41 + Video Lectures and other resources, you're guaranteed to find what you need to study See All Video Lectures
The Term Ethio-OpenCourseware can be defined as :
a free and open digital publication of high quality college and university‐level educational materials
which are organized as courses,
often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as thematic content, and
are free and openly licensed, accessible to anyone, anytime via the internet.
Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. Great teachers are warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Teachers with these qualities are known to stay after school and make themselves available to students and parents who need them.
Available online at https://eopcw.com , Ethio-OpenCourseWare is a large-scale, Web-based publication of Wollo University undergraduate course materials. Students from WU and across Ethiopia do not have to register to make use of EOPCW course materials.
Ethio-OpenCourseWare (EOPCW) makes the course materials that are used in the teaching of almost all Wollo University's undergraduate subjects available on the Web, free of charge, to any user anywhere in Ethiopia.
Ethio-Opencourseware is the large and suitable e-learning platform by which the teaching materials can be uploaded upon the given privilege and the students are able to download the same as far as they are connected to an Internet.
A Success Story is an account of the achievement of success by a person or an organisation. The Success Story is a great successful performance, often unexpectedly or in spite of unfavourable conditions, often by making a lot of money
There are countless reasons why technology is a key aspect of learning in the schools. Whether we like it or not, technology is everywhere; and in order for us to survive...
I used EOCW to boost my knowledge of scientific concepts that I encounter daily at my job. Currently in this semester of university, Adane Masresha is planning to take M...
Computers are fundamentally well suited to performing mechanical computations, using fixed programmed rules. This allows artificial machines to perform simple monotonous...
The real challenge, though, is science "They don't particularly like science," says Santee. "So I wanted to find something that would be worth a high school credit of la...
Schools and College
Video Courses
Breaking news, also known as a special report or news bulletin, is a current event that broadcasters feel warrants the interruption of scheduled programming and/or current news in order to report its details. Many times, breaking news is used after the news network has already reported on this story.
ኮምቦልቻ ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት አርክቴክቸር ምህንድስና ትምህርት ክፍል ለአምስት አመት ተኩል ሲያስተምራቸው ከነበሩት ተማሪዎች ውስጥ መጋቢት 3 ቀን በዋለው ሴኔት ውጤታቸውን መርምሮ ሃያ ስድስት ተማሪዎችን በደማቅ ዝግጅት አስመርቋል፡፡ በኮምቦልቻ ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት...
ግብጽ የህዳሴውን ግድብ ከተሳካላት በባለቤትነት ለማስተዳደር ካልተሳካላት ግን ለማኮላሸት ከአጋሯ አሜሪካ ጋር በመሆን ያዘጋጀችው በተንኮል የተሞላ የመደራደሪያ ሀሳብና ሰነድ በኢትዮጵያውያን ዘንድ ተቀባይነት አለማግኘቱን ተከትሎ "አቧራው ጨሰ" የጦር ጉሰማ እያሰማች ትገኛ...
Well Come to Ethio Open Course-ware,The term OpenCourseWare was coined by WU with the launch of its initiative of the same name in 2002. The OCW Consortium, originally co...
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