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Biostastics & research methodology

About Biostastics & research methodology

This course is an extension of Introduction to Statistics which addresses overview of research (e.g. meaning and steps to be followed) and application of statistical knowledge in protocol development, objective of a given study versus hypothesis testing, estimation and assessing statistical significance, estimation of sample size, introduction to the analysis of categorical data and continuous data, estimation and assessing statistical significance, discuss the strength of association using OR/RR in a 2x2 table, understanding the objective of multiple regression/logistic regression and interpretation of results from the analysis, comparison of more than two averages using ANOVA, multiple range tests, non-parametric tests, and introduction to experimental designs and field trials.

Course Highlights

The videos section of this course features a selection of video lectures and interviews of Biostastics & research methodology faculty from various Departments at KIoT.