About International Economics II
The course deals with international trade theories and policy issues and how international trade is financed. The module aims to provide a highly focused discussion of topics in international economics in two separate subject areas of International trade and international finance in the context of developing countries. Issues covered in the course are conventional and nonconventional trade theories which include the classical model (Smith and Ricardo), the modern and neoclassical theory of trade (the H-O-S model, the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, and The Leontief Paradox), The New Trade Theories and the African context (Imperfect competition and scale economies), Economic Integration and Theories of Customs Union, Trade Policies and Developing countries (Import Substitution and Export Promotion, Trade and Development, the World Trade Organization and Developing Countries, etc). Besides, the issues of the Balance of Payments (and different approaches to balance of payments), Exchange rate economics, Open-Economy macroeconomics (IS-LM-BP framework, the Mundel-Fleming Model), the Evolution of International Financial Institutions (the IMF, the World Bank etc…), impact of capital flows and the debt crisis in African context will be covered.