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Introduction to Biochemical Engineering

About Introduction to Biochemical Engineering

This course has the objective of acquainting the students with typical biochemical processes, enzyme kinetics and industrial application, cell kinetics and fermenter design. 1. Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering  Applications of Biotechnology  Typical Biological Processes 2. Enzyme Kinetics  Commercial Applications of Enzymes  Simple Enzyme Kinetics  Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters  Enzyme Reactor with Simple Kinetics  Inhibition of Enzyme Reactions and Other influences on Enzyme Activity 3. Immobilized Enzyme  Immobilization Techniques  Effect of Mass-Transfer Resistance 4. Industrial Applications of Enzymes  Carbohydrates  Starch Conversion  Cellulose Conversion 5. Cell Kinetics and Fermenter Design  Growth Cycle for Batch Cultivation  Stirred-tank Fermenter  Multiple Fermenters Connected in Series  Cell Recycling  Alternative Fermenters  Structured Model 6. Sterilization  Sterilization Methods  Thermal Death Kinetics  Design Criterion  Batch, Continuous and Air Sterilization 7. Agitation and Aeration  Basic Mass-Transfer Concepts  Correlation for Mass-Transfer Coefficient  Shear-Sensitive Mixing 8. Downstream Processing  Solid-Liquid Separation  Cell Rupture  Recovery and Purification

Course Highlights

The videos section of this course features a selection of video lectures and interviews of Introduction to Biochemical Engineering faculty from various Departments at KIoT.