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Electrical machine and Electronics

About Electrical machine and Electronics

1Basic Principles of Electrical Machines Analysis 1.1The Magnetic aspects of machines 1.1.1 Introduction 1.1.2 Magnetic Circuit 1.1.3 Properties of Magnetic Materials 1.1.4 AC excitation of Magnetic Cores 1.1.5 Magnetic Core Losses 1.1.6 Permanent Magnets 1.2 Process of Energy Conversion 1.2.1 Self and Mutual Inductance 1.2.2 Production of an EMF 1.2.3 Motional EMF 1.2.4 Production of Electromagnetic Force-Torque 1.2.5 Singly Excited-Systems 1.2.6 Doubly-Excited Systems 1.2.7 Circuit Conventions 1.2.8 Per-Unit Values The Transformer 2.1 Principle of Action 2.2 Open-Circuited Transformer 2.3 Transformer on Load 2.4 The Equivalent Circuit of Transformer 2.5 Transformer Regulation 2.6 Transformer Test 2.7 Transformer Efficiency 2.8 Transformer Construction and Design Considerations 2.9 Three-phase Transformer 2.10 Polarity Test and Group Connections 2.11 Transformer Operating in Parallel 2.12 Excitation System and Harmonics 2.13 Inrush Currents 2.14 The Auto-Transformer 2.15 Instrument Transformers 3 Induction Machines 3.1 Constructional Features 3.2 Production of Rotating Magnetic Fields 3.3 Principle of Operation 3.4 AC Windings 3.5 Generated EMF in AC Machines 3.6 Torque and Rotor Power Factor 3.7 Starting Torque and Running Torque 3.8 Relation between Torque and Slip 3.9 Vector Diagram of an Induction Machine 3.10 Equivalent Circuit of an Induction Machine 3.11 Induction Machine tests 3.12 Power Distribution of an Induction Motor 3.13 Construction of the Circle Diagram 3.14 Determination of the No-load Parametrs of the Equivalent Circuit 3.15 Starting of an Induction Motor 3.16 Speed Control of an Induction Motor 4 semi conductor theory, P-N junction diode, transistor configuration, performance and characteristic of SCR, UJT, TRAIC, DIAC etc, operational amplifier and timers

Course Highlights

The videos section of this course features a selection of video lectures and interviews of Electrical machine and Electronics faculty from various Departments at KIoT.