About Regulation and Control
This course enables the students to: Model common physical systems such as spring-mass-damper systems, resistor-inductor-capacitor networks, first and second order fluid systems, and first and second order thermal systems Represent different control systems (CSs) using TFs, block diagrams and state space functions (using both time variable and Laplace variable) Analyze common control systems in time domain and frequency domain Identify important characteristics like settling time, rise time, maximum overshoot, phase shift, peak resonance, resonance frequency and bandwidth Determine the accuracy of a control system Analyze the stability/instability of a control systems using different criteria such as Routh-Hurwitz, Root-Locus, Nyquist, Bode Plot Evaluate the relative stability (gain margin and phase margin) of CS Evaluate the sensitivity of a CS to disturbance Design simple controllers like P, PI, PID and lead-lag networks, and improving the stability, accuracy, etc of a control system