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Regulation and Control

About Regulation and Control

This course enables the students to:  Model common physical systems such as spring-mass-damper systems, resistor-inductor-capacitor networks, first and second order fluid systems, and first and second order thermal systems  Represent different control systems (CSs) using TFs, block diagrams and state space functions (using both time variable and Laplace variable)  Analyze common control systems in time domain and frequency domain  Identify important characteristics like settling time, rise time, maximum overshoot, phase shift, peak resonance, resonance frequency and bandwidth  Determine the accuracy of a control system  Analyze the stability/instability of a control systems using different criteria such as Routh-Hurwitz, Root-Locus, Nyquist, Bode Plot  Evaluate the relative stability (gain margin and phase margin) of CS  Evaluate the sensitivity of a CS to disturbance  Design simple controllers like P, PI, PID and lead-lag networks, and improving the stability, accuracy, etc of a control system

Course Highlights

The videos section of this course features a selection of video lectures and interviews of Regulation and Control faculty from various Departments at KIoT.