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As the Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30) stated that, since one of the challenges for quality education is missing the proper moral and civic education, the education policy objectives should be revisited and formulated to reflect the creation of holistic development in all citizens, confident and competent citizens, critical thinkers, competent professionals who satisfy the requirements of the global market; entrepreneurs and innovative, strong ethical and moral values, stand for justice; peace, and unity in diversity. The benchmarking moral, ethical and citizenship education are part of the curriculum of the educational system to address diversity and national unity. The education system should promote these realities and be able to produce adequate and capable graduates to satisfy both the domestic and global markets. Given this, the Ethiopian government has designed and implemented moral and civic education curricula to aim at educating students about democratic culture, ethical values and principles, supremacy of constitution, and the rule of law and so on. These elements are imperative in the process of producing self-confident citizens and a generation who has the capability to shoulder responsibility. Accordingly, this module is basically aspires to equip the learners with relevant knowledge, respect for the worth and human dignity of every individual, right attitudes and requisite skills to enable them perform their roles as a credible members of their society. Through the module, learners will also acquire nature of Ethiopian federalism and parliamentary system of government, ways of making responsible decisions, solve problems, care about others, contribute to society, and be tolerant and respectful of diversity. This module is organized into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of concepts and terms, differences between civics and ethics, goals of civics and ethics as well as competences of a good citizen. The second chapter presents the major rival theories and perspectives on ethics and morality. The third chapter dwells with ethical decision making and the justification behind the moral judgments, while chapter four contains about the concepts of citizenship, state and government particularly the state structures and theories of state, systems of government, theories of citizenship, ways of acquiring and losing citizenship and the interplay between citizens, state and government and final fifth chapter deals with constitution, human rights and democracy.

Course Highlights

The videos section of this course features a selection of video lectures and interviews of MORAL AND CITIZENSHIP faculty from various Departments at KIoT.