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Course Name:Global Developments since 1945 # By Mr. Endris Ali; Course Code: HiHm2048

This course covers history of the world since 1945 to the contemporary world. It deals with the historical developments that took place during this period. Accordingly, it gives much focus to the situations after the Second World War such as the UNO, the Cold War, Post – WWI World, (Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Decolonization in Asia, Africa and Latin America) Generally the major topical issue that are going to be covered in this course are: The consequences of WWII (the UN, War crime trials, the cold War, Military Blocks, Economic Groupings), Post WWII Western World (Europe and USA), Eastern Europe, Peoples Democracies and the USSR; Decolonization, Wars, Revolutions, economy in Asia: Japan, Vietnam, India, china, Korea, the Middle East since 1945 ;Arab-Israeli conflicts, The Arab League, OPEC; Politico economic and social situations of South American countries, the dissolution of the communist bloc, Causes and consequences. In addition, the course also treats the major contemporary global issues such as terrorism, Gender mainstreaming, Human and environmental security.

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